Pensieri di Brancaleone

Mostly on biblical theology, with occasional excursions into the arts, philosophy, etc.

Location: MV, CA, United States

dying to old citizenship, living to new. one day at a time

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Audience Participation in a Postmodern Way

Lifted from another webiste, a brief mention here on the work of Umberto Eco, contemprary thinker and author:

"The two poles of Eco's intellectual field can be appreciated through the knowledge that in the year that he published his chapter on Medieval aesthetics, an article under Eco's name appeared entitled, 'L'opera in movimento e la coscienza dell' epoca' ('The poetics of the open work'), which considered the way modem music (Stockhausen, Berio, Boulez), modern writing (Mallarmé, Joyce), modern art (Calder, Pousseur) in relation to modern science (Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg) now produce 'works in movement' and 'open works' works whereby the addressee becomes an active element in bringing a work to provisional completion, or where the work itself brings openness to the fore. From this starting point, Eco develops that theme of his intellectual trajectory which is concerned with 'the role of the reader'."